Saturday, September 4, 2021

Never mandated

Let’s not forget the reason we have to face trails and even death. AND let’s never forget that death has been defeated. 

God created a perfect world, one that had no sin, no pain, no tears. But because of deception, a choice was made, a lie was believed, and the perfect world could exist no longer.

Now that sin was in the world, it would be that much harder to win the heart of His {God} people yet through His love He couldn’t bare to leave the now less than perfect world as it was; so He created another way. We were worth it and He would {will} not give up! 

He chose to send His perfect Son {Jesus} to bare the weight of the world. To make a way for us to choose, once again. 

If and when we choose, it won’t take away the pain and the tears during our time here on earth, but it will wash away our individual sin and open a door to one day be able to rejoice in His perfect world {Heaven}. 

So let’s never forget, we are here today because of a choice, but it doesn’t have to be that way forever. 

His gift {eternal love and salvation} is our choice. It has never been and will never be mandated; yet will always be available and free to all who chose Him. 

Who will you choose? 

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

The older I get ...

And the older the kiddos get. I realize more and more just how much I don’t have control over. In my “younger” years I liked to plan for everything and be physically prepared for anything. 

Everything had a place and everything was in its place. This was much easier when the kiddos were younger and they were all contained within these 4 walls or the 4 “walls” of wherever I had dropped them off at. It also helped when the Mr and I were to NOT out numbered ðŸ¤£

All that to say. I still have a place for everything and I still like everything in its place ... because there has to be some sort of organization to this chaos we call life. But my planning for everything as shifted to just be mentally prepared for anything. Because let’s face it, I can make a plan but it changes a hundred times before it ever comes to fruition. I can physically be prepared for anything but preparation takes ALOT x6 peoples’ lives and this lady would never sleep (which no one wants to encounter this lady on no sleep, just saying). So instead I have a short list of where we all need to be/what needs to be done for the day and I send up a prayer and say “Lord prepare my heart to face the day. You know what is before me so help me do it with Your grace and Your wisdom.” 

Because if I try doing this thing on my own ... well we could all only imagine! ðŸ¤ª

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Unchartered Waters

If you look back through time every generation has faced uncharted waters, some have had larger and more rough patches than others. Because is this I often talk myself off a ledge with sometime like “I’m sure they experienced some of the same feelings I am ... buck it up buttercup, this too shall pass!” Which shortly follows with “but I see how life has changed over the centuries, some amazingly awesome changes but it’s not all sunshine and roses, there’s bad that has crept into the good and sometimes people are fooled and follow it ... I don’t want the latter!” So I go back to my knees and pray “Lord what do you need me to do?”

And every time I hear “I am here. Keep praying. Keep loving. Keep putting Me above all things.” 

For all you Jesus loving people out there, we are facing uncharted waters. I pray we do not lose our compass. I pray in all that we do, people can see Him. When we feel anxious, angry, near the end, remember this is only our temporary home and He is with us. 

Godspeed my friends, my brothers, and my sisters may your mission be Heaven-bound! ❤️

Original Photo Credit - Instagram: gypsjac 

Follow on Instagram @ simplypioneering 


Friday, January 22, 2021

False Peace

 You can have peace if the people get what they want. Problem is IF what the people want is not right, the peace obtained is not real. It’s a mask to cover the turmoil that is swirling just below the surface. 

Take for example. A very young children wanting to use a pair of scissors that is not suitable for their use. As a parent with their safety and well being in mind, you can try to take away the scissors or swap them out with a more suitable pair. Sometimes this works and there is no disruption in the peace. Other times this does not work and emotions explode ... peace is gone.

As a parent their are times, peace is obtain by avoiding the fight and giving the child whatever they want. The problem - if the child is allowed to keep the scissors they could cause more harm to themselves or others than the peace that was obtained was worth. 

If this is the mentality in which peace is continually obtained, in the end we will be causing more harm than good. We will be leading people blindly to their eternal destination that is not wanted.

True peace comes from listening and transparency and seeking the ultimate truth. 

My prayer is for true salvation to be found. The salvation that will sustain judgement day. 

Monday, January 18, 2021


It’s not just about roses and sunshine and feel good moments. It’s about seeking truth and exposing anything else. Truth is we are human. We will make mistakes. And it’s through those mistakes the darkness will try to rob our peace and joy. Do we make mistakes on our assumptions of who people truly are? Do we listen to falsehoods about who we truly are? Do we take things for face value without digging deeper? Yes, yes, and yes, plus some others. 

Truth is we have all fallen short and if we truly want peace around us, it has to start within us which is only by His grace. And even then, once we’ve found Him, we will still be faced with storms. Storms that swirl chaotically round us and only through the power of Him can be calmed. 

PS - being a peacemaker doesn’t mean you have to be a doormat ❤️

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Homemade Dishwasher Detergent

I the thing that excites me to the most about my 365 challenge is when I run out of something I can replenish whatever it is without ever stepping foot in the grocery store.

Well, that is what happened when I decided to try out some homemade dishwasher detergent. My go-to store bought detergent was Finish Powerball Ultra Dish Tabs, I liked their performance and I could buy them in a large quantity for a reasonable price, but there came a day when I went to go start the dishwasher and I was OUT!

So instead of hand washing the abundance of dishes or making an extra trip to the store, I went with plan C and decided it was time to try my own. While I was looking for just the right recipe to try, I came across this post by houselogic who provided some at-home trials with different homemade dishwasher detergent recipes {I absolutely loved reading about these rather than taking the time to test them myself, thanks houselogic}! I also came across this post by Sisters Shopping on a Shoestring whose go to recipe was also the houselogic's #1 pick. This recipe combination is used quite frequently across the Internet, but I appreciated the Sisters' insight on lemonade packets versus citric acid.

Homemade Dishwasher Detergent

1 cup borax
1 cup washing soda
1/2 cup salt
1/4 cup citric acid
20-30 drops of lemon essential oil (grapefruit or orange works great too)

Mix is all together and store in an airtight container. Use 1 tablespoon per load. 

And then of course there came the day that I ran out of my homemade dishwasher detergent and when I went to go make some more I realized I was also out of Borax ... these are the times when my love for my challenge can get even more challenging! I was in desperate need of running the dishwasher {ours runs at least once a day and if we skip a day ... we have dishes reproducing like rabbits 😲}, so to the rescue came this post by Sherri Griffin and it's been working its wonders. 

Homemade Dishwasher Detergent without Borax

1 cup washing soda
1/2 cup citric acid
1/4 cup baking soda
1/4 cup salt
20-30 drops of lemon essential oil (grapefruit or orange works great too)

Mix is all together in an airtight container. Use 1 tablespoon per load. 

I have run into some problems with clumping with both of these recipes but I think the main reason was due to the container I was using wasn't the best. I've since sent it through the food processor and have it stored in mason jars.

All in all, I think I prefer my original recipe with borax, but in a pinch {or if you are leary of using Borax here's a great article from Wellness Mama to help you not be so leary and also this funny post about eating your homemade dishwasher detergent from Crunchy Betty} the second version is a great alternative. 

Lastly if you are curious about how these homemade ingredients compare to those in commercial dishwasher detergents, Little House in the Suburbs offers some science behind them. 

Monday, February 6, 2017

365 List by Category

And to make it easier to find something more specific, here is a list sorted by categories. 


Beef Jerky*
Caramel: sauce, fruit dip, candies*
Cream Cheese Fruit Dip*
Flavored Sunflower Seeds
Fruit Cups*
Pudding: Vanilla*


Apple Butter*
BBQ Sauce
Chocolate Sauce
Dill Pickles*
French Dressing
Fruit Topping: quick & easy*, with pectin
Jam: pectin free raspberry, pectin free blackberry*, pectin free strawberry, strawberry, jalapeno*
Maple Syrup
Peanut Butter
Salsa*: fresh, canned
Soy Sauce
Thousand Island Dressing*
Teriyaki Sauce
Wine Vinegar


Bagels: plain, cinnamon & sugar, jalapeno
Cinnamon Rolls*
Sausage Gravy*

Milk & Dairy

Half & Half*
Pasteurized Eggs*
Ricotta Cheese*
Shredded Cheese*
Sour Cream
Whipped Topping*

Herbs & Spices

Celery Salt*
Italian Seasoning*
Pizza Sauce Mix*
Pumpkin Pie Spice*
Spaghetti Sauce Seasoning Mix*
Steak Seasoning*
Taco Seasoning*


Baking Powder*
Brown Sugar*
Cake Flour*
Cooking Spray*
Extract: Vanilla*
Evaporated Milk
Marshmallow Fluff*
Pie Crust*
Self-Rising Flour*
Sweetened Condensed Milk

Canned Goods

Canned Beans*
Chicken Broth
Cream of Something Soup or mix
Pumpkin Puree
Refried Beans*
Tomato Sauce


Fresh Produce: garden plot
Garden Starters*

Meats & Deli


Breads & Bakery

Bagels: plain, cinnamon & sugar, jalapeno
Bakery Cakes: Ella Scharlach Cake, DIY Decorating*
Cinnamon Rolls*
Cookies: refrigerator/freeze cookie rolls, Lofthouse*
Pizza Dough*
Tortilla Shells


Rice & Pasta

Mac & Cheese*

Health & Beauty

Antacid Relief
Bath Salts*
Conditioner: Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse
Dry Shampoo*
Eye Make-up Remover
Face Powder*
Face Wash*
Facial Moisturizer*
Hair Detangler*
Hair Putty: Shealoe
Shampoo: No-Poo
Shaving Cream
Sugar Scrub


All Purpose Cleaner*: Norwex clothes, orange infused vinegar
Ant Bait*
Dishwasher Detergent*
Laundry Soap*
Stain Remover: gel*, spray
Washing Soda

Outdoors & Auto

Car Wash*
Garden Fertilizer: compost bin
Garden Pesticide: Weed Killers, spray
Tick Repellent*

* - has been completely replaced with homemade version ... no more store bought

The ones not marked are items I have tried and either due to time, money, or taste I am still working to find a way to replace them that works best for us. My goal is to be able to eventually mark all items with an asterisk! As of 2/1/2016 we have 105 items of our 365 tried.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

365 List

As I continue to plug through my 365 challenge {see my original plan and an update, because with life comes change} and the number of homemade items I have made continues to grow, I decided it would be wise to compile a complete list of items so to see the bigger picture. :)

List of store bought items we have tried - (click here, to see these items by category)

1. Cooking Spray*
2. Buttermilk*
3. Ranch*
4. Peanut Butter
5. Taco Seasoning*
6. Croutons
7. Jam: pectin free raspberry, pectin free blackberry*, strawberry, pectin free strawberry, jalapeno*
8. Breadcrumbs*
9. Half & Half*
10. Brown Sugar*
11. Fresh Produce: garden plot
12. Maple Syrup
13. Shredded Cheese*
14. Cream of Something Soup or mix
15. Sour Cream
16. Spaghetti Sauce Seasoning Mix*
17. Bread
18. Garden Starters*
19. Canned Beans*
20. Flavored Sunflower Seeds
21. Garden Fertilizer: compost bin
22. French Dressing
23. Car Wash*
24. Chicken Broth
25. Noodles
26. Soy Sauce
27. Ricotta Cheese*
28. Pasteurized Eggs*
29. Pizza Dough*
30. Mayo
31. Yogurt
32. Caramel: sauce, fruit dip, candies*
33. Ketchup
34. Ant Bait*
35. Baking Powder*
36. BBQ Sauce
37. Chocolate Sauce
38. Cake Flour*
39. Self-Rising Flour*
40. Wine Vinegar
41. Pudding: Vanilla*
42. Extract: Vanilla*
43. Evaporated Milk
44. Sweetened Condensed Milk
45. Garden Pesticide: Weed Killers, spray
46. Toothpaste
47. Deodorant
48. Shampoo: No-Poo
49. Conditioner: Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse
50. Hair Detangler*
51. Shaving Cream
52. Sugar Scrub
53. Fruit Cups*
54. Moisturizer
55. Face Wash*
56. Eye Make-up Remover*
57. Tortilla Shells
58. Refried Beans*
59. Tick Repellent*
60. Mac & Cheese*
61. Beef Jerky*
62. Whipped Topping*
63. Fruit Topping: quick & easy*, with pectin
64. Hair Putty: Shealoe
65. Stain Remover: gel*, spray
66. Thousand Island Dressing*
67. Coleslaw*
68. Pizza Sauce Mix*
69. Bagels: plain, cinnamon & sugar, jalapeno
70. Teriyaki Sauce
71. All Purpose Cleaner*: Norwex clothes, orange infused vinegar
72. Salsa*: fresh, canned
73. Face Powder*
74. Cookies: refrigerator/freeze cookie rolls, Lofthouse*
75. Dill Pickles*
76. Laundry Soap*
77. Applesauce*
78. Bakery Cakes*: Ella Scharlach Cake, DIY Decorating
79. Bath Salts*
80. Mascara
81. Antacid Relief
82. Biscuits*
83. Sausage Gravy*
84. Washing Soda
85. Granola*
86. Cinnamon Rolls*
87. Bronzer*
88. Armorall*
89. Butter
90. Herbs
91. Facial Moisturizer*
92. Windex*
93. Italian Seasoning*
94. Marshmallow Fluff*
95. Cream Cheese Fruit Dip*
96. Steak Seasoning*
97. Celery Salt*
98. Pickle Relish*
99. Tomato Sauce
100. Pumpkin Pie Spice*
101. Pumpkin Puree
102. Pie Crust*
103. Apple Butter*
104. Dry Shampoo*
105. Dishwasher Detergent*

106. Granola Bars
107. Foaming Hand Soap

* - has been completely replaced with homemade version ... no more store bought

The ones not marked are items I have tried and either due to time, money, or taste I am still working to find a way to replace them that works best for us. My goal is to be able to eventually mark all items with an asterisk! 

Please note that items that have not been linked to a post are ones that I have tried and am working on getting a post up for these {hopefully sooner than later}!

Monday, January 23, 2017

Fears & Offenses

I've been fighting this post God for quite some time to just sit down and write what has been pressing heavily on my heart. The biggest fight was to admit the real reason for not finishing this which ironically was my own fear of causing an offense! After ninety-gazillion of my own excuses and a gentle nudge from a sweet friend reminding me God doesn't take 'no' for an answer, He finally reverted to getting the megaphone out, turning the volume to its highest setting, and using His Dad voice to yell "It's worth the risk ... TRUST ME!" through my morning devotion yesterday, "Abandon it All." 

I feared my heart would be misinterpreted. I feared my sincerity would come across hypocritical. I feared I would open the door of vulnerability. I feared I would offend someone. While I don't hold tight to what people may think of me, I feared this post would be read with an offensive mind rather than one of openness. If I have already struck a nerve, I ask that you please continue reading ... give yourself the opportunity to breakthrough the offense that is trying to stop you and allow me to go deeper. 

A while back, I heard on the radio {and have since looked into it out of curiosity and more proof :)} that we are born with only two natural fears: the fear of loud noises and the fear of falling. Which leaves all other fears to being learned through experience. Talk about an interesting insight! This has really challenged me to stop myself as soon as I feel that first tinge of fear, fright, panic, terror, apprehension, or trepidation and re-evaluate my emotions to discern if they are intuitionally warranted or just habitual from a prior experience in which I have chosen to now avoid all together. 

Sometimes at the first sign of fear (or any of those other feelings), we react by stopping dead in our tracks and shutting the door in which to never return without ever once questioning it. What really is the cause for the fear? Is it a natural reaction that has been learned through a previous experience? Or is it the fear of the unknown or the fear of what will come? Or is it actually warranted, like the tug on your conscience or that 'momma feeling' you get when something just isn't right? Unless it is your intuition or gut instinct {which there are days I wonder if we have forgotten what this is ... sigh, another day, another post maybe}, no matter the cause of these fears they have the potential to overtake our life and hold us back if we are not careful.

And then there are our offenses, although a completely different emotion, these can have the same effect on us. In one instance we may allow a single circumstance {even if it's completely taken out of context} to adamantly dictate how we think or how we will react. Hurtful words spoken, words and actions read into, false accusations made, resentment. rejection, disagreement, conflict of interest, and the list could continue. However, whatever the offense is, if we hold onto it for too long it will eventually become a part of who we are and will only build up more anger, spread more strife, and ultimately hold us back also. 

Fears and offenses are ugly beasts that can stand in our way, blind us from the facts, cause us to tear down rather than build up, and create boundaries that only limit our ability to truly love one another like Jesus loves us, unconditionally. This doesn't mean we have to agree with one another, but it does mean we need to lay down our offenses and push through our fears so true love can be seen. The true love that casts out all fear and has no boundaries, not one! We need to learn how to truly love so we can step outside of the box of seeing things as one side vs. the other and instead seeing it as love vs. hate. 

It's not going to be easy, hard work never is, but especially when it seems impossible to face some of the largest giants you have ever seen. 

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Holiday Hosting

The final post for 2016 and for the mini-Christmas series is our go-to food list -

Since my memory can be absolutely terrible sometimes :) {especially a year from now when I try to remember exactly what I made}

Christmas Eve Dinner
Italian Beef - prepared by my MIL.
Cheesey Potatoes - recipe coming soon

Christmas Morning Breakfast
Blueberry Muffin French Toast - This is one of my favorites and was featured on Guy Fieri's Diners, Drive-ins and Dives. A few years ago, I decided I would make this for Christmas morning. To simplify things {because that's always essential around here!}, I make it the day ahead and use a 12"x3" round cake pan. First thing after the kids wake us up Christmas morning, I preheat the oven, place my DIY bake-even cake strips on the outside of the pan, and bake for a little over an hour or until the center is fully cooked.

Christmas Day Brunch
Biscuits and gravy - I was able to make my gravy ahead of time in my new enameled dutch oven {thanks to the Mr. for deciding we should exchange our gifts before Christmas morning!}. For the gravy I used 1 lb of sausage and 1 1/2 batches of the gravy. As for the biscuits (2 1/2 batches), I tried for the first time to make them ahead of time and they turned out pretty good {definitely worth not making them the day of}, but this is something I will not start doing on a typical basis.

Breakfast Pizza and Breakfast Burritos - prepped the day before by the MIL.

Christmas Day Snack
Buffalo Chicken Dip - Bake until bubbly and serve with tortilla chips. I've been using this recipe for YEARS as it was shared with us by a sweet hometown friend shortly after we finished college and started life in the 'real-world'.

Fruit Pizza - prepared by one of my SILs ... I have willpower against over consumption of chocolate, but this stuff, oh dear me, NO WAY!

Christmas Day Dinner {If we still have room in our stomachs by this time}
Dagwood Sandwiches - A quick, easy, and light go to dinner around here. Salami, ham, roast beef, and lettuce on ciabatta rolls. Additional topping options: bacon, avocado, tomato, horseradish, mayo, ranch, mustard, and anything else that suites your fancy.

New Years Eve and Day Snacks
Spinach Artichoke Dip - recipe coming soon
Chipped Beef Sandwiches - recipe coming soon
More Buffalo Chicken Dip

And then a few additional things just to have on hand: granola bars (recipe coming soon) and caramels.