Saturday, September 4, 2021

Never mandated

Let’s not forget the reason we have to face trails and even death. AND let’s never forget that death has been defeated. 

God created a perfect world, one that had no sin, no pain, no tears. But because of deception, a choice was made, a lie was believed, and the perfect world could exist no longer.

Now that sin was in the world, it would be that much harder to win the heart of His {God} people yet through His love He couldn’t bare to leave the now less than perfect world as it was; so He created another way. We were worth it and He would {will} not give up! 

He chose to send His perfect Son {Jesus} to bare the weight of the world. To make a way for us to choose, once again. 

If and when we choose, it won’t take away the pain and the tears during our time here on earth, but it will wash away our individual sin and open a door to one day be able to rejoice in His perfect world {Heaven}. 

So let’s never forget, we are here today because of a choice, but it doesn’t have to be that way forever. 

His gift {eternal love and salvation} is our choice. It has never been and will never be mandated; yet will always be available and free to all who chose Him. 

Who will you choose? 

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

The older I get ...

And the older the kiddos get. I realize more and more just how much I don’t have control over. In my “younger” years I liked to plan for everything and be physically prepared for anything. 

Everything had a place and everything was in its place. This was much easier when the kiddos were younger and they were all contained within these 4 walls or the 4 “walls” of wherever I had dropped them off at. It also helped when the Mr and I were to NOT out numbered ðŸ¤£

All that to say. I still have a place for everything and I still like everything in its place ... because there has to be some sort of organization to this chaos we call life. But my planning for everything as shifted to just be mentally prepared for anything. Because let’s face it, I can make a plan but it changes a hundred times before it ever comes to fruition. I can physically be prepared for anything but preparation takes ALOT x6 peoples’ lives and this lady would never sleep (which no one wants to encounter this lady on no sleep, just saying). So instead I have a short list of where we all need to be/what needs to be done for the day and I send up a prayer and say “Lord prepare my heart to face the day. You know what is before me so help me do it with Your grace and Your wisdom.” 

Because if I try doing this thing on my own ... well we could all only imagine! ðŸ¤ª

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Unchartered Waters

If you look back through time every generation has faced uncharted waters, some have had larger and more rough patches than others. Because is this I often talk myself off a ledge with sometime like “I’m sure they experienced some of the same feelings I am ... buck it up buttercup, this too shall pass!” Which shortly follows with “but I see how life has changed over the centuries, some amazingly awesome changes but it’s not all sunshine and roses, there’s bad that has crept into the good and sometimes people are fooled and follow it ... I don’t want the latter!” So I go back to my knees and pray “Lord what do you need me to do?”

And every time I hear “I am here. Keep praying. Keep loving. Keep putting Me above all things.” 

For all you Jesus loving people out there, we are facing uncharted waters. I pray we do not lose our compass. I pray in all that we do, people can see Him. When we feel anxious, angry, near the end, remember this is only our temporary home and He is with us. 

Godspeed my friends, my brothers, and my sisters may your mission be Heaven-bound! ❤️

Original Photo Credit - Instagram: gypsjac 

Follow on Instagram @ simplypioneering 


Friday, January 22, 2021

False Peace

 You can have peace if the people get what they want. Problem is IF what the people want is not right, the peace obtained is not real. It’s a mask to cover the turmoil that is swirling just below the surface. 

Take for example. A very young children wanting to use a pair of scissors that is not suitable for their use. As a parent with their safety and well being in mind, you can try to take away the scissors or swap them out with a more suitable pair. Sometimes this works and there is no disruption in the peace. Other times this does not work and emotions explode ... peace is gone.

As a parent their are times, peace is obtain by avoiding the fight and giving the child whatever they want. The problem - if the child is allowed to keep the scissors they could cause more harm to themselves or others than the peace that was obtained was worth. 

If this is the mentality in which peace is continually obtained, in the end we will be causing more harm than good. We will be leading people blindly to their eternal destination that is not wanted.

True peace comes from listening and transparency and seeking the ultimate truth. 

My prayer is for true salvation to be found. The salvation that will sustain judgement day. 

Monday, January 18, 2021


It’s not just about roses and sunshine and feel good moments. It’s about seeking truth and exposing anything else. Truth is we are human. We will make mistakes. And it’s through those mistakes the darkness will try to rob our peace and joy. Do we make mistakes on our assumptions of who people truly are? Do we listen to falsehoods about who we truly are? Do we take things for face value without digging deeper? Yes, yes, and yes, plus some others. 

Truth is we have all fallen short and if we truly want peace around us, it has to start within us which is only by His grace. And even then, once we’ve found Him, we will still be faced with storms. Storms that swirl chaotically round us and only through the power of Him can be calmed. 

PS - being a peacemaker doesn’t mean you have to be a doormat ❤️