Friday, January 22, 2021

False Peace

 You can have peace if the people get what they want. Problem is IF what the people want is not right, the peace obtained is not real. It’s a mask to cover the turmoil that is swirling just below the surface. 

Take for example. A very young children wanting to use a pair of scissors that is not suitable for their use. As a parent with their safety and well being in mind, you can try to take away the scissors or swap them out with a more suitable pair. Sometimes this works and there is no disruption in the peace. Other times this does not work and emotions explode ... peace is gone.

As a parent their are times, peace is obtain by avoiding the fight and giving the child whatever they want. The problem - if the child is allowed to keep the scissors they could cause more harm to themselves or others than the peace that was obtained was worth. 

If this is the mentality in which peace is continually obtained, in the end we will be causing more harm than good. We will be leading people blindly to their eternal destination that is not wanted.

True peace comes from listening and transparency and seeking the ultimate truth. 

My prayer is for true salvation to be found. The salvation that will sustain judgement day. 

Monday, January 18, 2021


It’s not just about roses and sunshine and feel good moments. It’s about seeking truth and exposing anything else. Truth is we are human. We will make mistakes. And it’s through those mistakes the darkness will try to rob our peace and joy. Do we make mistakes on our assumptions of who people truly are? Do we listen to falsehoods about who we truly are? Do we take things for face value without digging deeper? Yes, yes, and yes, plus some others. 

Truth is we have all fallen short and if we truly want peace around us, it has to start within us which is only by His grace. And even then, once we’ve found Him, we will still be faced with storms. Storms that swirl chaotically round us and only through the power of Him can be calmed. 

PS - being a peacemaker doesn’t mean you have to be a doormat ❤️