Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Homemade Dry Shampoo

Well this may be a complete stretch, BUT I decided I am going to include homemade dry shampoo as part of my Mini-Christmas Series. And why you might asked? Because we could all use a little extra time during the Christmas Season and what easier way to do this other than finding a way to stretch the number of days between hair washings! {Please note I didn't not say between showering/bathing days, heehee ... but of course you are welcome to your own interpretation and choice on that matter   ;-p}

I've been wanting to try this for a while now and when my sister shared with me one of the last times we chatted how she just had ... it was all I needed to take the plunge :)

Homemade Dry Shampoo

make-up brush (an old one is just fine)
1/4 cup cornstarch or arrowroot powder (baby powder would be another option if on hand)
cocoa powder for tinting (optional)
container (I love using this size of mason jars and these lids would be really convenient)

Place the cornstarch in container. If adding cocoa powder for use on darker hair, I would suggest start by adding 1 teaspoon of cocoa powder at a time until you get the desired color. Use the make-up brush to apply at your roots. Once applied use your fingers, brush or comb to evenly coat if necessary, then take the extra 5-10+ extra minutes to use as you please!

And with that I feel the urge to not only remind myself but all of you also while we all scurry around attending to our own busyness that we will witness so many snapshots of the Christmas season (the Nativity scenes, the Christmas lights, the presents, the family gatherings, the hustle and bustle for the last minute prep) but we must not forget to take time to read the story behind all of those snapshots!

Jesus is the reason for the Season! :)

1 comment:

  1. Nothing comes without a struggle. Everything needs a hard work. But this hard work will pay off, not soon but it will. Patience is the key.
