Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Homemade Italian Seasoning

Today's a completely lazy post :) but it's Wednesday and I wasn't about to let it slip by without posting! I'm almost out of Italian seasoning so the timing is great. I've been holding off on making this because I really wanted to include some dried marjoram, which I have never used before. Anytime a recipe has called for marjoram I just substitute in some oregano, but was hoping to try it for the first time in my homemade Italian seasoning ... I guess it'll have to wait until the next time around.

Homemade Italian Seasoning

2 tablespoons oregano
2 tablespoons basil
1 tablespoon thyme
1 tablespoon rosemary
1 tablespoon sage
1/2 tablespoon garlic powder
1 tablespoon marjoram (optional, similar to oregano)

Combine all ingredients into food process. Blend for about 30 seconds. 

The scent of this after a whirl in the food processor was just splendid! 

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

No More Windex

Replacing the Windex!

Short and sweet … just like these two items make washing windows and mirrors. The Norwex Enviro cloth and window cloth have replaced my Windex for YEARS! If you have never been introduced to Norwex, let me be the one to tell you … there’s nothing like Norwex clean and without chemicals no less!!!

It’s as simple as using hot water to get the Norwex Enviro cloth (turquoise) wet, wring out the excess water, wipe down the glass with it, and then wipe the glass dry with the Norwex window cloth (pink). Really wish I had a before and after, but even if I did the picture wouldn’t even do this combo justice. 

And just to add the Norwex Enviro cloth has pretty much replaced ALL of my other surface cleaners from ceilings to floors in every room in the house! Best part about these, Norwex keeps adding new colors so you really could designate a color to each job if you so wished to do so. :)

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Homemade Facial Moisturizer

So I have already made moisturizer which although was good, finding a recipe that uses something other than Shea butter is on my 'To-Do List', but today I wanted to share how I have replaced my Olay Complete!

If you have been following my blog I'm sure you have picked up a couple things about me ... selectively cheap {would usually rather make something than go to the store and pay for it} AND selectively lazy {would rather go without than run to the store}. I really love how we all have the liberty to be 'selective' :) ... however there does need to be balance though because any of these choices can go south and put priorities out of wak!

I'm sure you have all read or seen those Pinterest posts with the 101+ uses for coconut oil and this would be on most of them, so the cheap and lazy me decided to take my coconut oil from the kitchen {yes, the same stuff I'd use in my frying pan ... don't judge until you've tried it ;) } and use it on my face.

Now, I will say it took a few days to get use to the initial greasier feeling than your typical face lotion, but I can honestly say I will never go back!

Homemade Facial Moisturizer

1/4 of a teaspoon of coconut oil (more or less depending on your preference)
1 to 2 drops of frankincense oil (optional)

Pull coconut oil in the palm of your hand. Add frankincense oil. Rub together. Apply to face and neck evenly. Use morning and evening. 

Generally, I use plain coconut oil in the morning and add the frankincense in at night. 

So far my facial regime includes the Norwex cloth to wash my face, coconut oil to moisturize, store bought concealer, homemade powder foundation, store bought blush, store bought eye-shadow, store bought eye-liner, and depending on the day either store bought mascara or my homemade version. I did go through a phase when I first started switching over to homemade items I dealt with a few break outs; however, I sometimes wonder if it wasn't my skin detoxing from all the other stuff I had been using for so long?!? I've been using my homemade powder foundation since July and it's been about a month since I added in the homemade moisturizer.

All in all, I love how simple this is and the benefits of the coconut oil and frankincense are a great bonus!

Cost (per application): homemade facial moisturizer without the frankincense is less than $0.10  and with the frankincense is about $0.50. 

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

DIY Herb Garden

Pickles, Salsa, and Marinara … these are what inspired me to start an herb garden! Dill for my pickles (and ranch dressing), cilantro for mouthwatering fresh salsa, and basil for some homemade marinara that I hope to get canned this year.

I’ve been saving these 105 oz. tomato sauce cans (tomato sauce from Sams … about $3 each) from the freezer meal day I did with some of my dear friends last fall and I am SO excited to finally be putting them to use {as is the Mr., he’s only slightly annoyed with my recycling and repurposing tendencies ; -p}. Any size would really do the trick but bigger is always better right?!? After a little black spray paint I already had on hand and some chalk {which I really need to use some paint or sharpies since the chalk risings off when watered}, these little darlings are going to be absolutely dreamy when they are full grown and hanging just outside our kitchen window. And of course I am already trying to decide what herbs I would like to add to this for next year. 

In addition to the herb garden, we’ve been anxiously watching our garden starter plants grow {which by the way we have an abundance of … so if you are local, check with me for extra seeds or starter plants BEFORE going out and getting your own!}. Over the past couple weeks, I have gradually be working to get everything planted as starters and some of them are really taking off. It truly amazes me how plants grow! Every few days when I go to water them, I love to take notice how they all are growing towards the light coming from the window they sit by. I give them their drink and a quick turn and like magic the next day they have readjusted themselves so they can see the light again.

I find it so intriguing how something that starts so small transforms into a food-bearing plant with a splash of water every now and again, some sunshine, and a little bit of TLC. More often than not as I tend to these fragile starters, I cannot help but think about the similarities between growing them and raising children. They both start so small and rely fully on someone else to help them develop. Soon enough it will be time to transplant them outdoors, but first they need to be hardened to the outside environment. It’ll be a gradual process of introducing them to the wind that could cause them to bend, to the harsh sun that might burn their tender surface, and to the rain that may at times be too heavy to withstand. Yet after slowing transitioning them into the world outdoors they will be ready to fend for themselves against all the elements and eventually bear fruit themselves.

The more I watch our garden starters (and our children) it really makes me challenge myself to be sure I am doing my absolute best to prepare them for the outdoors. And on the days I forget to water them, I must remember … they are tough and will survive … add a little grace and make tomorrow better than today!