And the older the kiddos get. I realize more and more just how much I don’t have control over. In my “younger” years I liked to plan for everything and be physically prepared for anything.
Everything had a place and everything was in its place. This was much easier when the kiddos were younger and they were all contained within these 4 walls or the 4 “walls” of wherever I had dropped them off at. It also helped when the Mr and I were to NOT out numbered 🤣
All that to say. I still have a place for everything and I still like everything in its place ... because there has to be some sort of organization to this chaos we call life. But my planning for everything as shifted to just be mentally prepared for anything. Because let’s face it, I can make a plan but it changes a hundred times before it ever comes to fruition. I can physically be prepared for anything but preparation takes ALOT x6 peoples’ lives and this lady would never sleep (which no one wants to encounter this lady on no sleep, just saying). So instead I have a short list of where we all need to be/what needs to be done for the day and I send up a prayer and say “Lord prepare my heart to face the day. You know what is before me so help me do it with Your grace and Your wisdom.”
Because if I try doing this thing on my own ... well we could all only imagine! 🤪
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