Monday, February 6, 2017

365 List by Category

And to make it easier to find something more specific, here is a list sorted by categories. 


Beef Jerky*
Caramel: sauce, fruit dip, candies*
Cream Cheese Fruit Dip*
Flavored Sunflower Seeds
Fruit Cups*
Pudding: Vanilla*


Apple Butter*
BBQ Sauce
Chocolate Sauce
Dill Pickles*
French Dressing
Fruit Topping: quick & easy*, with pectin
Jam: pectin free raspberry, pectin free blackberry*, pectin free strawberry, strawberry, jalapeno*
Maple Syrup
Peanut Butter
Salsa*: fresh, canned
Soy Sauce
Thousand Island Dressing*
Teriyaki Sauce
Wine Vinegar


Bagels: plaincinnamon & sugarjalapeno
Cinnamon Rolls*
Sausage Gravy*

Milk & Dairy

Half & Half*
Pasteurized Eggs*
Ricotta Cheese*
Shredded Cheese*
Sour Cream
Whipped Topping*

Herbs & Spices

Celery Salt*
Italian Seasoning*
Pizza Sauce Mix*
Pumpkin Pie Spice*
Spaghetti Sauce Seasoning Mix*
Steak Seasoning*
Taco Seasoning*


Baking Powder*
Brown Sugar*
Flour: Cake*, Self-Rising*
Cooking Spray*
Vanilla Extract*
Evaporated Milk
Marshmallow Fluff*
Pie Crust*
Sweetened Condensed Milk

Canned Goods

Canned Beans*
Chicken Broth
Cream of Something Soup or mix
Pumpkin Puree
Refried Beans*
Tomato Sauce


Fresh Produce: garden plot
Garden Starters*

Meats & Deli


Breads & Bakery

Bagels: plaincinnamon & sugarjalapeno
Bakery Cakes*: Ella Scharlach CakeDIY Decorating
Cinnamon Rolls*
Cookies: refrigerator/freeze cookie rollsLofthouse*
Pizza Dough*
Tortilla Shells


Rice & Pasta

Mac & Cheese*

Health & Beauty

Antacid Relief
Bath Salts*
Conditioner: Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse
Dry Shampoo*
Eye Make-up Remover
Face Powder*
Face Wash*
Facial Moisturizer*
Hair Detangler*
Hair Putty: Shealoe
Shampoo: No-Poo
Shaving Cream
Sugar Scrub


All Purpose Cleaner*: Norwex clothes, orange infused vinegar
Ant Bait*
Dishwasher Detergent
Laundry Soap
Stain Remover: gel*, spray
Washing Soda

Outdoors & Auto

Car Wash*
Garden Fertilizer: compost bin
Garden Pesticide: Weed Killers*, spray
Tick Repellent*

* - has been completely replaced with homemade version ... no more store bought

The ones not marked are items I have tried and either due to time, money, or taste I am still working to find a way to replace them that works best for us. My goal is to be able to eventually mark all items with an asterisk! As of 2/1/2016 we have 105 items of our 365 tried.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

365 List

As I continue to plug through my 365 challenge {see my original plan and an update, because with life comes change} and the number of homemade items I have made continues to grow, I decided it would be wise to compile a complete list of items so to see the bigger picture. :)

List of store bought items we have tried - (click here, to see these items by category)

1. Cooking Spray*
2. Buttermilk*
3. Ranch*
4. Peanut Butter
5. Taco Seasoning*
6. Croutons
7. Jam: pectin free raspberry, pectin free blackberry*, strawberry, pectin free strawberry, jalapeno*
8. Breadcrumbs*
9. Half & Half*
10. Brown Sugar*
11. Fresh Produce: garden plot
12. Maple Syrup
13. Shredded Cheese*
14. Cream of Something Soup or mix
15. Sour Cream
16. Spaghetti Sauce Seasoning Mix*
17. Bread
18. Garden Starters*
19. Canned Beans*
20. Flavored Sunflower Seeds
21. Garden Fertilizer: compost bin
22. French Dressing
23. Car Wash*
24. Chicken Broth
25. Noodles
26. Soy Sauce
27. Ricotta Cheese*
28. Pasteurized Eggs*
29. Pizza Dough*
30. Mayo
31. Yogurt
32. Caramel: sauce, fruit dip, candies*
33. Ketchup
34. Ant Bait*
35. Baking Powder*
36. BBQ Sauce
37. Chocolate Sauce
38. Cake Flour*
39. Self-Rising Flour*
40. Wine Vinegar
41. Pudding: Vanilla*
42. Extract: Vanilla*
43. Evaporated Milk
44. Sweetened Condensed Milk
45. Garden Pesticide: Weed Killers, spray
46. Toothpaste
47. Deodorant
48. Shampoo: No-Poo
49. Conditioner: Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse
50. Hair Detangler*
51. Shaving Cream
52. Sugar Scrub
53. Fruit Cups*
54. Moisturizer
55. Face Wash*
56. Eye Make-up Remover*
57. Tortilla Shells
58. Refried Beans*
59. Tick Repellent*
60. Mac & Cheese*
61. Beef Jerky*
62. Whipped Topping*
63. Fruit Topping: quick & easy*, with pectin
64. Hair Putty: Shealoe
65. Stain Remover: gel*, spray
66. Thousand Island Dressing*
67. Coleslaw*
68. Pizza Sauce Mix*
69. Bagels: plain, cinnamon & sugar, jalapeno
70. Teriyaki Sauce
71. All Purpose Cleaner*: Norwex clothes, orange infused vinegar
72. Salsa*: fresh, cannedcanned
73. Face Powder*
74. Cookies: refrigerator/freeze cookie rolls, Lofthouse*
75. Dill Pickles*
76. Laundry Soap
77. Applesauce*
78. Bakery Cakes*: Ella Scharlach Cake, DIY Decorating
79. Bath Salts*
80. Mascara
81. Antacid Relief
82. Biscuits*
83. Sausage Gravy*
84. Washing Soda
85. Granola*
86. Cinnamon Rolls*
87. Bronzer*
88. Armorall*
89. Herbs
90. Facial Moisturizer*
91. Windex*
92. Italian Seasoning*
93. Marshmallow Fluff*
94. Cream Cheese Fruit Dip*
95. Steak Seasoning*
96. Celery Salt*
97. Pickle Relish*
98. Tomato Sauce
99. Pumpkin Pie Spice*
100. Pumpkin Puree
101. Pie Crust*
102. Apple Butter*
103. Dry Shampoo*
104. Dishwasher Detergent

105. Granola Bars
106. Foaming Hand Soap

* - has been completely replaced with homemade version ... no more store bought

The ones not marked are items I have tried and either due to time, money, or taste I am still working to find a way to replace them that works best for us. My goal is to be able to eventually mark all items with an asterisk! 

Please note that items that have not been linked to a post are ones that I have tried and am working on getting a post up for these {hopefully sooner than later}!