Sunday, May 10, 2015

A Bowlful of Motherhood

No there was nothing being made from scratch today, we had more important things to do. :) The kiddos are down early after a full weekend of plans and a week ready to start whether we want it to or not. So, I am finally finding time to sit down and get a post in that didn't take time away from what today was all about! This of course is happening between a few re-directions to the kiddos to go to sleep ... I would love to be in bed if I were them and I love them dearly, but please just go to sleep! ;)

A Tribute to a Village on Mother's Day

We all have a mother, here or gone, near or far, born from or adopted, lost or found, someone who has made a difference, loved us when we least deserved it, cared for us when no one else did, and the list goes on and on! I have found this last week before Mother's Day being Teacher Appreciation Week and with Father's Day right around the corner to be very fitting with how own lives are established. A mother's role is only one of the crucial parts for children to become who God intended them to be and I appreciate a day set aside to honor the role that a mother devotes her time to doing. However, as a mother of 4, Mother's Day reminds me that there is no way in a million years I could do this job (you know it's a full-time one and the job description changes without warning) on my own! On tough days I will remind myself, "Grandma had 12 children" and "Mom was a single parent for many years" which then leads me to "LET'S GO, I CAN DO THIS! There's no turning back and no giving up!" 

My grandma and my mother have both been indisputable pillars of strength and God-loving examples of the Proverbs 31 woman! Yes, we all have our shortcomings, our insecurities, circumstances we'd wish were different, and things we would change if given a second chance; but when it is all said and done it's all about who is seen in us through our child's eyes. It's this image that will last a lifetime and be the rock of who they will become! Thanking God for the examples He has placed in my life.

When one stops and takes notice of all the examples that have molded them into who they are, it's hard not to remember the phrase "it takes a village to raise a child"! I have thought of this quote often and firmly believe in the value each person we come in contact has on our life. It is for this reason I would also like to thank all of the women that are 'moms' to our children at any given time, on any given day, knowingly or unknowingly, you are making a difference!

Happy Mother's Day!

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