Let’s not forget the reason we have to face trails and even death. AND let’s never forget that death has been defeated.
God created a perfect world, one that had no sin, no pain, no tears. But because of deception, a choice was made, a lie was believed, and the perfect world could exist no longer.
Now that sin was in the world, it would be that much harder to win the heart of His {God} people yet through His love He couldn’t bare to leave the now less than perfect world as it was; so He created another way. We were worth it and He would {will} not give up!
He chose to send His perfect Son {Jesus} to bare the weight of the world. To make a way for us to choose, once again.
If and when we choose, it won’t take away the pain and the tears during our time here on earth, but it will wash away our individual sin and open a door to one day be able to rejoice in His perfect world {Heaven}.
So let’s never forget, we are here today because of a choice, but it doesn’t have to be that way forever.
His gift {eternal love and salvation} is our choice. It has never been and will never be mandated; yet will always be available and free to all who chose Him.
Who will you choose?