If you look back through time every generation has faced uncharted waters, some have had larger and more rough patches than others. Because is this I often talk myself off a ledge with sometime like “I’m sure they experienced some of the same feelings I am ... buck it up buttercup, this too shall pass!” Which shortly follows with “but I see how life has changed over the centuries, some amazingly awesome changes but it’s not all sunshine and roses, there’s bad that has crept into the good and sometimes people are fooled and follow it ... I don’t want the latter!” So I go back to my knees and pray “Lord what do you need me to do?”
And every time I hear “I am here. Keep praying. Keep loving. Keep putting Me above all things.”
For all you Jesus loving people out there, we are facing uncharted waters. I pray we do not lose our compass. I pray in all that we do, people can see Him. When we feel anxious, angry, near the end, remember this is only our temporary home and He is with us.
Godspeed my friends, my brothers, and my sisters may your mission be Heaven-bound! ❤️
Original Photo Credit - Instagram: gypsjac
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